At Ascensia Diabetes Care Australia, the health and safety of people with diabetes, our customers and employees is our number one priority.

In order to ensure people with diabetes have access to the CONTOUR®NEXT blood glucose meter range, our website continues to accept and process your free meter requests. The CONTOUR®NEXT strips and MICROLET® lancets continue to be available at NDSS Access Points (pharmacies) so you are able to continue self-monitoring of your blood glucose levels. Please make sure that you keep yourself informed on the NDSS COVID-19 updates for up-to-date diabetes news.

At the present time, there appears to be no immediate impact on the supply of our strips to people with diabetes.  We are not seeing any delays in production at any of our sites, and we are working closely with our transport partners to minimise any possible impact of the reduction in freight transit availability.  We continuously monitor the global impact of the COVID-19 outbreak and are taking all appropriate measures to keep our employees safe and minimise any impact on people who rely on our products and services.

This is a very dynamic situation with new information and guidance being issued from authorities on a regular basis. We will therefore continue to monitor the situation closely and will issue revised information via this webpage. Please continue to visit this site for ongoing communications from our team related to this issue.

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